Diploma in Midwifery Program (DMP) on COVID 19 pandemic situation

All classes were suspended in line with government declaration to close all academic institution from 26 March 2020. 92 students in three batches reached safely to their house. Two students faced Bus accidents during their way to home. Academic site took care sending to nearest UHC to take care. After primary treatment from URC, both the students reached home safely. Prior to leaving PHD Academic site, students were oriented to take protective measures during their stay at home.

Detailed class plans were shared with students to continue education through on-line classes. Copies Semester modules and other necessary information provided before leaving academic site. Modules and reading materials for new semester is sent to each students through currier services. Modules and materials were sent to nearest relatives who lives in nearest town for students’ lives in very hard-to-reach areas. PHD ensured that the students got the materials in time.

A large number of students in “Diploma in Midwifery Program” are from the limited income family and the family of the students have hardly any savings after bearing the family’s daily expense. Literally all the normal affairs including studentship has been seriously hampered because of the pandemic situation caused by Corona virus. Students around the country are taking their lessons from online classes to stay on track of study but almost 30 students in different batches reported that they don’t have any smart phone even at the same time with no ability to buy a smart phone. In such situation, PHD management came forward to support the students so that they can continue study through online classes. 30 SMART phones are provided to 30 poor students to actively participate in online classes.