Name of the project: “USAID’s Strengthening Multisectoral Nutrition Programming through Implementation Science Activity”
Programme Area: Nutrition
Duration: July 2018 to May 2022
Funded by: USAID
Managed by: FHI360
Other partners are CARE Bangladesh, Social Marketing Company, Agro-Input Retailers Network and LifeChord Limited.
Implementation area: 70 selected unions of 22 selected Upazilas in 6 districts of Bangladesh. The districts are; Jashore, Kushtia, Pirojpur, Jhinaidah, Chuadanga, and Barishal
Target audience: Direct focus on 10,000 pregnant and lactating women, and children under the age of two primarily from poor and extreme-poor |
Goal: The Project Goal is “Nutrition policy making and implementation in Bangladesh is informed by high quality local evidence”. “USAID’s Strengthening Multisectoral Nutrition Programming through Implementation Science Activity” is a research-based project implementing through consortium approaches by 5 consortium members led by FHI360 where PHD is playing key role in field implementation. This project will contribute to the USAID Bangladesh Country Development Cooperation Strategy Development Objective, Health Status Improved. The Project is applying a mixed methods research approach to assess the effectiveness of different multisectoral nutrition intervention packages delivered through a coordinated approach by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), NGOs, and the private sector on improving nutrition outcomes known to contribute to overall healthy nutritional status of children under two in Bangladesh. The project has 4 major interventions, namely
The expected outputs of the project are:
The MSNP is applying a mixed methods research approach to test and refine multisectoral nutrition approaches, interventions and service delivery mechanisms in high stunting areas of Bangladesh. PHD, as the field implementer is implementing project interventions in various combinations of multisectoral packages under different components like- Social and behavior change communication (SBCC), Homestead food production (HFP), Conditional cash transfers (CCT), Multisectoral platforms at the subnational level, Utilization of health and other services in this project and Gender-transformative as cross-cutting interventions, which focus on strengthening multisectoral platforms at national and sub-national levels to ensure evidence is utilized for nutrition policy and programming, such as;