Name of the project: “Model Urban Primary Health Care (PHC) Clinics” Programme Area: PHC services in selected 6 clinics in 4 city corporations in Dhaka North, Dhaka South, Gazipur and Narayangonj as per the standard Essential Service Package (ESP) guideline Duration: July 2021 to December 2025 Funded by: UNICEF Consortium Lead: Partners in Health and Development (PHD) Consortium Partners: Nari Maitree (NM) and CMED Health Implementation area:
Target audience:
Approximately 100,000 population in each 6 Urban Clinics‘ catchment areas. |
Purpose: To develop a model PHC service delivery system for future scaleup in 4 city corporation following Essential Service Package (ESP) guideline as and standards. The expected results from the project: The project will achieve the below results in coordination with Mayor's office, City Corporation and Ward Health and Education Committees, and with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (DGHS/DGFP/DGNM):
The project will assist the GOB in establishing and managing a functioning clinic, as well as establishing an effective relationship with primary healthcare in the private sector. Urban PHC clinics should be set up according to UNICEF and Bangladeshi government norms and guidelines, which include appointing general physicians and consultants, as well as hiring personnel and health workers. Patient registration, administration, account management, and telemedicine will all be put up as part of the project. The Pay-for-performance (P4P) idea will be used to build cost-effective fiscal management. The project will implement an ICT-based claim management system for claim preparation and verification.
The project will ensure effective delivery of Primary Healthcare as per standards in the 6 urban PHC clinics including community outreach services. The project will facilitate capacity building of service providers through training courses provided by UNICEF and GOB. Quality Primary Healthcare including essential nutrition specific services should be ensured as per the Essential Service Package for promotive, preventive and curative care for the population in the catchment area. The project will establish effective supply chain management system for Essential medicines and logistics, through the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, i.e., the project will receive the required commodities from the MoHFW. Referral system for complicated cases and ICT based Integrated Health Management Information System (IHMIS) will be established with support from UNICEF and GOB.
The project will ensure community participation in all steps of the project. It will introduce activities related to demand generation and promotion. The services to be provided from the clinics are: