Name of the project:

Improving Women and Girl’s Resilience to Climate Change (IWGRCC)”.


Program Area:

Enhance capacity of health service providers, awareness and resilient of women, girls and the community on climate change and its impact on sexual and reproductive health and rights in selected Unions of Bhola (Char fashion Upazila) and Bagerhat (Mongla Upazila) to through better preparation and improving availability and utilization of health care services by the targeted community.

Duration: July 2023 to December 2025 

Funded by: UKaid

Supported By: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Implementation area of PHD:  Bhola (4 unions in Char fashion upazila) and Bagerhat District (4 unions in Mongla upazila). 

Target audience: Front-line health care service providers at govt. structures, adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating mothers, women of reproductive age, and community vulnerable due to climate change affect.

The purpose of the project is to develop a resilient community to address climate shocks and its impact on girls and women’s health through enhancing awareness and preparedness to respond the climate induced vulnerabilities and risks in particularly on Sexual and Reproductive Health services and Rights (SRHR) simultaneously by strengthening capacity of front-line health care service providers linked with Upazila and upwards level  govt. health-structures to serve the better services in particularly during disaster and post disaster stage.

PHD is working to improve the sexual and reproductive health services in local communities, with a particular focus on diseases related to climate change affect includes maternal, newborn and reproductive health and the rights of the women and girls those are more vulnerable due to climate change affect.  The project is committed to raising awareness and mobilizing the community for their better preparedness and resilient to absorb the climate induced vulnerability and minimize the risks of adolescents, pregnant and lactating mothers, women of reproductive age those remains lack of knowledge and limitation in accessing the services, unprotected and at high risks.

The project will achieve 5 objectives likely:

Objective 1: Capacity of service providers are enhanced and prepared for better serve / respond to the vulnerable community affected by Climate change.

Objective 2: Communities are oriented on and prepared for the health impacts of climate change.


Objective 3: Communities have improved capacity on adaptations for coping the health impacts due to climate change impacts.

Objective 4: Communities are supported to make preparation plans to respond natural disasters.

Objective 5: Adolescents oriented on climate change and the health impacts of climate change.