Role of Partners in Health and Development on sexual and reproductive health issue
Partners in Health and Development (PHD), a non-profitable national organization, is working alongside the international development organ for ensuring the continued prioritization of sexual and reproductive health and rights throughout COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings, and to bring a gender lens to the response. With massive previous experience working with Rohingya community on the Maternal, Newborn, Sexual and Reproductive Health Program issues and the vast experience in community mobilization in the crisis-affected community on their rights to health, especially SRHR etc. made PHD a major actor in this area. The recognition from the World Health Organization (WHO) will obviously inspire Partners in Health and Development (PHD) to carry on its outmost effort for the vulnerable community especially Rohingya communities;

News on WHO’s website with the title: “Beyond sexual and reproductive health: developing an adolescent-competent workforce to meet the health care needs of Rohingya adolescents”.
News link is as follows: |
The Country Director of Concern Worldwide (Consortium Lead) and the Deputy Team Leader, EHD, Concern Worldwide visited PHD’s Essential Healthcare for the Disadvantage (EHD) Project area in Barishal Division.

Ms. Fiona McLysaght, the Country Director of Concern Worldwide (Consortium Lead) and Dr. Mary Rashid, the Deputy Team Leader, EHD, Concern Worldwide had a monitoring visit to the EHD project intervention areas from 23rd of November to 26th November 2020.
During the period, the team met Divisional Director, DGFP, Barishal, Divisional Director, DGHS, Barishal, District Commissioner (DC) of Barguna, Honorable Mayor, Barguna Municipality, Upazila Family Planning Officer (UFPO) of Kalapara Upazila, Civil Surgeon, Barguna and UP Chairmen of Dhankhali and Champapur unions. The team observed a CPP Volunteers training supported by EHD at Dhankhali Union Office. During the visit they also went to see a Pharmacy (Maa Pharmacy) for understanding the EHD’s established Video Doctor Call Booth. The visiting team has an opportunity to meet some card holders of the voucher scheme in Barguna at office and at a slum area. In addition they visited clinics and pharmacies under the voucher scheme initiative.
The visitors expressed their high level of satisfaction with all the project interventions, staff commitment, hard works done by PHD staff members and the way the Essential Healthcare for the Disadvantage (EHD) Project has been moving.  
Chief of UNICEF Field Office Cox’s Bazar visited PHD’s Primary Health Care Centre
The Primary Healthcare Centers-1 (PHCCs) in FDMN Camp 8W at Cox' Bazar operated by Partners in Health and Development (PHD) with the support of UNICEF visited by Dr. Ezatullah Majeed- Chief of Field Office, Cox’s Bazar, Ms. Sairose Mawji, Chief of the Field Services and Dr. Yulia Wadiati, Health Specialist/Team Lead UNICEF Cox’s Bazar Field Office on 29 July 2020.
During the visit the team observed different components of health services like- response to COVID-19, Normal Vaginal Delivery unit, EPI corner, activities under community interventions. Visitors expressed an excellent impression to see the structure of the health facility, Maternity unit and IPC services and visibility of different Health Messages of the health facility and the visitors also appreciated to PHD for doing good job in this critical situation. From PHD side Md. Jamirul Islam- Assistant Director and Project Coordinator-PHD, Nurul Kabir- Sr. Field Coordinator and Dr. Mahmudul Hoque, Clinic Manager- PHCc-1 accompanied the visitors and described work procedures clarified visitors’ questions. Finally, visitors expressed their satisfaction noted in visitors’ book.

UNICEF Representative’s visit to PHD’s Primary Health Care Centre

Partners in Health and Development (PHD) is operating six Health Posts (HPs) and two Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCCs) in the different FDMN camps at Cox' Bazar with the support from UNICEF. On 15 July 2020 a high-profile team led by UNICEF Representative Bangladesh Mr. Tomoo Hozumi along with Ms. Shairose Mawji, Chief of Field Office (OIC), UNICEF Cox’s Bazar.
During the visit the team observed different components of health services like- response to COVID-19, Normal Vaginal Delivery unit, EPI and Nutrition activities, activities under community interventions. Visitors appreciated PHD for doing excellent job in this critical situation. From PHD side Mr. Ashish Kumar Dutta, Director-PHD, Dr. Daniel Hossain- Deputy Director- PHD, Md. Jamirul Islam, Assistant Director and Project Coordinator-PHD and Dr. Shariful Islam Showrove, Clinic Manager- PHCc-2 accompanied the visitors and described work procedures clarified visitors’ questions. Finally, visitors expressed their satisfaction noted in visitors’ book.